Friday, May 21, 2010

Tipah gedik tertipu

ni kopipes eh....hehhehehe...thanks Syafiqah, x-student i time practical kat manjung...

Ada satu mlm tu Tipah balik dari tiusyen kena naik bas. Leceh betul, dah la ngantuk!

Biasanye pakwe Tipah yang jemput tapi dia ada hal pulak hari tu. So dengan perasaan boring gila babas, terpaksalah Tipah menapak ke bus stop berhampiran.Masa tu lebih kurang pukul 11 malam. Orang lain takde,

Tipah sensorang ajer. Takut gak tau!

Tunggu punyer tunggu, dari jauh Tipah dah nampak sebuah bas yang bergerak slow motion cam orang jalan kaki lenggang kangkung jer lagaknya. Maleh lak Tipah nak pikir ngapenye? yang penting nak cepat sampai rumah. So, Tipah tahan ler bas tu tapi ngengada tau, ta nak berenti la pulak. Tipah tak kira? terus jer Tipah lompat naik ke dalam bas tu.

Yang peliknya,ngaper lampu lampu dia baik luar dan dalam tak nyaler?

Tipah peratikan takde penumpang lain, terus Tipah duk kat kerusi blakang sekali. Lepas dah duduk tu? Laaa baru Tipah perasan yang bas tu bergerak tanpa drebarnya. Alamak! konduktor pun tak de gak. Maknanya takde sesapa dalam bas tu melainkan Tipah only. Apalagi Tipah rasa seram sejuk ler? peluh jantan mula memercik dan nyawa rasa nak melayang. Seram sungguh rasanya.

Dalam masa yang sama, Tipah terdengar pulak bunyi orang bernafas kuat? Menyaspenkan sungguh jiwa dan raga Tipah. Adakah bas ni dibawa oleh Han?? Adakah kondukturnya To?.? Adakah? adakah? Aarrrghhh ! ! ! Seramnye, ngerinye, takutnye, sadisnye, kejamnye !

"Tttolong! toolongggg!" Tipah melontarkan segala suara yang ada.


Apsal terpekik pekik nih??" Sergah satu suara dari blakang bas.

Alahaiii, sapa pulak tu ? Tipah memberanikan diri menoleh. Ceh! Ropa-ropa nyer drebar sama konduktor tengah tolak bas tu laa? rosak enjin dia. Patut la slow aje? patut pun tak der drebarnya? patut sangat laaa pun Tipah rasa tertipu.

Hee hee heehhhhh... malu Tipah tau!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ummi Thumma Ummi (Omy Thoma Omy)

though my mum are not wif me anymore, but still love her till the end of my day, insha allah

My Mother Then My Mother

After this love
What does she does all of this deserve
After this love, what
She who gives affection like this without asking for anything in return
We kiss the ground she walks upon

My mother, and then, my mother
To the last day of my life
Love from the first moment of my life
And her concern is mine
She who's goodness is bountiful
Her goodness melted into my blood and I live with it

After the mother what else is there?
With a sweet call opening the locked gate
After the mother what else is there?
She calms your mind when it is struggling
And shows you the whole world is open to you and satisfies you

I give a representation of her
Her heart is unimaginably good
I give a representation of her
She who stayed up late and tired and raised me and carried a mountain

You start a hundred thousands celebrations in me
Who in my exhaustion stayed up and did not sleep
Who supported me the first time I walked

After what you've done what can I do?
The day you brought me into this world
AFter what you've done
From your sympathy from your forgiveness
Heaven is beneath you
This what our lord said (it's in the Quran)

I love you my mother
Til the very last day of my life